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How do I help agents & lenders grow their business?

  • Innovative, Proven Marketing Solutions to Grow Your Business

  • Education and Training to Grow Your Business

  • Technology to Grow Your Business (BreakthroughBroker, Electronic Closings/ROM, Zoccam, Qualia, and more.

Everything I do reflects on you.

I get it.



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I started working with my Aunt Kathy in her title office as a student in 2007. It's either in my genes or it made an impact on my young mind, or both.  I'm still here.

I have travelled the world. I even lived abroad in the Netherlands where I started two shops, during the pandemic, while renovating a 351-year old canal house that was a Dutch national monument (Rijksmonument).  At dinner parties when someone needs to start the conversation, commenting on that experience always seems to get the questions flowing.



I speak at sales meetings,

investor meet-ups,

seminars, and anywhere

I can bring value.

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